
Spring 2023

Wardrobe for well-being

Online retailer Proozy provides clothing for teenagers at M Health Fairview mental health clinics

Clinic staff members organize clothes available to teenagers at the Proozy Cares Closet at the M Health Fairview mental health clinic in Crystal, Minn.
Scott Streble

Imagine navigating a Minnesota winter without a warm coat. That’s the reality faced by many teenagers treated at M Health Fairview mental health clinics, for whom items like cozy clothes and blankets can be an unfortunately unmet need. 

Now, thanks to a partnership with St. Paul-based online retailer Proozy, patients at M Health Fairview University of Minnesota Medical Center, M Health Fairview Masonic Children’s Hospital, and three M Health Fairview mental health clinics have access to wardrobes full of clothing essentials that they can take home with them.

“Many of our patients lack basic clothing necessities,” explains Nicole Herlofsky, manager of M Health Fairview outpatient clinical programs. “The Proozy donations have allowed them to set aside the worry of having clothes to wear to treatment, allowing them to focus on the work they are doing in therapy.”

Many teens are reluctant and anxious when entering a hospital-based mental health program, especially those entering the 24-hour residential program, Herlofsky adds. “Being able to offer them a soft, warm blanket for their bed has provided some comfort while they are away from their homes and families,” she says.

“Many of our patients lack basic clothing necessities.”
Nicole Herlofsky, manager of M HealthFairview outpatient clinical programs

The program, known as Proozy Cares Closets, has been a passion project for Proozy cofounders Rachel and Jeremy Segal since they first contributed to the Adopt a Room program at Masonic Children’s Hospital in 2019. During the holiday season of 2021, Proozy crafted “Love Bags” full of warm blankets and clothes for M Health Fairview mental health clinic patients, and the Proozy Cares Closets program naturally evolved out of that.

“Our intention is for these kids to be able to start their wellness journey with something special,” Rachel Segal says, “and to know that they are thought about and cared about by people who don’t know them.”
